Yeah the song is fuckin great. BUT I'm not talkin about that.
College life can be hectic at times but you always seem to have fun.
Either it's parties or just chillin life always has good times.
[College has taught me so much shit
You can't really play around all the time and you have to do work.
in college experiance I found photography really fun and I learned a bitchload.]
anyways back to what I was saying.
Its fun chilling with friends and just enjoying life.
I have 4 final exams and then its leaving London and going back to New York.
I really can't wait.
It's gonna be one hell of a summer. Better than Summer '07... I Hope.
Summer '07 was the best summer of my life. My first car and may other really
fun activities with friends and fam.
This year I'm going BIG.
Wild ass parties, gettin piss drunk, lounging in the crib with friends, internet, big ass flat screen with surround sound (including bass) and food,
and oh yeah CRAZY NINJA ANTICS (remember? hehe ;p).
(oh man!)
I have a list of people to chill with during my stay before
I get back to London and I have no time to waste at all.
People who are on the list better be ready.
You know who you are.
lets make the best of it.
[_all pictures taken by me ;)_]